Page name: Mermaid Lagoon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-24 13:52:30
Last author: The Slave Queen
Owner: ~Valkyrja~
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A roleplay game brought to you by The Second Star to the Right...

If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colours become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire. But just before they go on fire you see the lagoon. This is the nearest you ever get to it on the mainland, just one heavenly moment; if there could be two moments you might see the surf and hear the mermaids singing...
-Peter Pan by James M. Barrie

Mermaid Lagoon

Peter Pan looks about the lagoon, satisfied with its current pace. He loathes laziness and, being as cocky as he is, makes sure that everyone else on the island does too. The mermaids are lounging about on Marooner's Rock, gracefully combing their flowing hair and playfully splashing each other. Every so often they slide into the water and swim over to the beach to tease him. Fairies dart about everywhere, remaining just out of sight no matter how fast he turns to see them. Their lights glow brilliantly, adding to the magical atmosphere of the lagoon. Peter, happy with the way things are here, bids them goodbye for now and flies off, no doubt to another adventure.

Tinker Bell stayed behind. She liked the mermaids. She liked to watch them go where she couldn't. The water was a totally different foreign thing to an air creacher like her. Today Tinker Bell desided to do something about her longing. She had managed to steal some magic from the other fairies as they were sleeping in their tree. She would use it to form a bubble around her that she could wear. She also made a pair of flippers for herself. To get a few companions to come with her she told the lost boys of a rumor that was circling around Neverland. It was rumored that there was a lost and hurt mermaid some where that needed help and the lost boys liked nothing better then an adventure.

Peter hurried back to the lagoon, the Lost Boys trailing behind. "They said there's a hurt mermaid down there!" he cried excitedly, thinking of how everyone would cheer him after he rescues her. "C'mon, Boys! Let's rescue a damsel in distress!!"

Rod, laughing, cannonballed into the water ahead of everyone else, and began searching through the crystalline water.

GASP! Rod was going to save the mermaid before Peter even had the chance! Suddenly, the rest of the lost boys began diving into the lagoon (as if any Lost Boy would dive when he has the opportunity to cannonball) and looking for the unfortunate sea maiden. Oh no!, Peter thought, what if they find her first??? No one will clap for me or crow for me! He plunged into the water and searched frantically, desparately trying to save his own ego. Where is this mermaid?..... and why is Tink laughing so hard when a life is at stake?

Rod suddenly came to a realization, and, giggling to himself, swam to the surface to watch and laugh at the others... He whispered up to Tinkerbell, once he was sitting on the bank: "Nice one, Tink. nearly had me fooled then..."

What is going on??? Peter thought. We've searched the lagoon.... and I can't find the mermaid. She might die! A horrifying fear gripped him, and he swam even faster and deeper into the water. By now, their disturbance to the water had driven the other mermaids away, and Peter resurfaced only to look out into a sea empty of everyone except him and his Lost Boys... and Rod. "Rod!" He cried. What if he's hurt with the mermaid?

Rod stayed on the surface, not hearing Peter's calls. He spotted one of the mermaids hiding from the disturbance behind a rock outcrop underwater, and he dived noiselessly into the water and swa up to her. "Excuse me, miss..." Rod began, trying to keep his words as clear as possible. "There aren't by any chance any hurt or lost mermaids around here? No-one who needs some help?"

Aleera, a black haired mermaid with a silver tail and sea foam in her hair, giggled merrily. "Of course not," she says. Her voice is as delicate as glass and yet somehow exotic and wild. "Tinker Bell just loves teasing Peter, and she wanted friends to play with."

"Ah. Thanks." Rod giggles and swam back to the surface, chuckling.

Tink swam throw the water with Peter. He is so funny when he is scared she thought. Being under water was great. Everything seemed to sparkle. Peter's hair flowed around his head and swayed with the sea weed. But, then Peter popped out of the water for air. Tink flew out too. oh, she thought. He will be so angry when he finds out there is no one to save she thought as Peter searched wildly around for Rod. She frowned then. Hopefully he wouldn't be too angry. Maybe he would laugh. It was hard to tell.

Peter's despair was overwhelming now. I have to find them!!! he thought, looking over the water back towards the beach. Wait, why would Tink have been laughing so hard? And why isn't Rod screaming for help?.... They must be doing it to tease me! The sudden realization of Tink's game hit hard. She tried to make a fool of me! However those thoughts didn't last very long. I knew it was a game the whole time, he thought proudly. This is, of course, untrue, but Peter began to believe it himself. "Hullo... Tink, Rodney, I'm tired of this game. I knew it was a game the whole time! You can't fool me! Cockadoodledoooooo!!!!" He swam back to shore, waiting for Rod to come out of hiding.

Aleera gazes at Peter as he swims back to shore. She laughs silently at him, it had been a good trick Tinker Bell had played on him.

Minutes passed, and Rod still didn't come out of hiding. He's gonna get such a tickling... Peter thought.

Rod waited at the surface, sitting on a rock above the water. e watched Pater still searching underwater, and thought Gee, I hope he doesn't run out of breath!. As Peter surfaced, he stood up, and waved. "Have a nice swim?" he teased, holding back the giggles.

The anger boiled under Peter's bright red hair, threatening to sufficate him. With all due respect to Peter, it would have been better for Rod if it had. "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE! I'M THE SMARTEST BOY ON THE ISLAND! I KNEW IT WAS A GAME, AND YOU WOULDN'T COME OUT!" Peter climbed fully out of the water, letting it drip freely from his hair and leaf-clothes. The fresh salt air helped him to calm down. "It's okay Rod, it was just a game. You were just playing. I know." A smile began to creep from the fullest part of his pouty lips all the way to his cheeks. "But now, the punishment..... hold up your arms."

"What? I've been sitting here in plain veiw the whole time...I wasn't in on the joke until I asked Aleera, over there..." Rod argued in his defence "Lift my arms up? Why would you want me to do that?"

Although punishment was the furthest thing from the smiling Peter's mind, he didn't give it away. "Just hold them up. You've been very, very naughty. Why, if we had a mother , I reckon she would cry of shame. Now hold them up."

"Oh, alright." Rod, who was already barechested, raised his arms up above his head, because, who could refuse Peter?

Peter gathered all the remaining Lost Boys around him and whispered into their ears. He then walked back over to Rod. "One, two, three!" All the Boys, including Peter, pounced on poor Rod so hard he fell over into the sand. The tickling was fierce and unfair, but Rod was laughing so hard that none of them cared.

Rodgasped as he hit the sand, forced back the multitude of boys jumping on him. As the tickling was kept up by all the boys, including Peter, Rod could do nothing but laugh and laugh, his merry voice echoing up through the trees.

Aleera watchs Peter and the Lost Boys on the beach. They are laughing and rolling in the sand. She wonders what it would be like to roll in the sand.

Tinker Bell saw the boys tickling Rod and was releaved. She flew and landed on Peter's head where she danced for a few minutes and then went over to tickle Rod. Since she was so small all she could do was tickle Rod's ear.

Rod kept laughing and trying to fend off thier attacks, but couldn't get away. When Tinker Bell started tickling his ear, he squealed, and rolled awy from them, diving into the water. Before his head went under, though, he made sure that tink was well away from him.

Tinker bell screamed as water sprayed all over her because of Rod's jump, making her wings limp and damp. Tink grumbled and sat down. Hopefully no one will step on me. she thought.

"Poor Tinker Bell," Aleera murmers quietly. "She can't go in the water. What is there to life if you can't swim and play in the ocean? I shall go talk to her." Aleera swims over to where Tinker Bell is sitting, taking care not to get the poor fairie any more wet. "Hello, Tinker Bell. That was a good game you played on Peter and the Lost Boys. It is a shame you can't swim with us." Aleera opens her already big eyes a little bigger. She hadn't meant to say the last bit.

Tinker Bell crossed her arms over her chest defensively and pouted a bit more. SO what if she couldn't swim? Then she changed moods suddenly, her pout turning into a grin. She flew to Aleera's ear and asked her in her high voice "It was a good trick wan't it?" she giggled "But, now Peter and I are bored."

Aleera grins back at the fairie. "It was a good trick! Very believable. You are bored now? Perhaps more mermaids need to be rescued?" Aleera winks at Tinker Bell

Eric walks into view silently, watching everyone's antics.

Peter signaled to the Boys to stop the onslaught on Rodney. "That's enough now, it was a funny prank after all. Now we have to find a way to punish Tink.... where'd she go?"

Eric jumps on Peter and begins tickling him unmercifully.

"Oh no you don't!" Now pinned by Eric's strong arms, Peter tried his hardest not to laugh. After a few seconds of struggle, he gave in to the impending urge of laughter. Taking advantage of Eric's surprise at the sudden outburst, Peter wrenched free of his grip and flew just beyond Eric's reach.

Eric soars after him, tackling him in midair and tickling him again.

"You can fly????" Peter is temporarily dumbfounded by this, but quickly recovers and pulls away again.

"Yep!" Eric says. He grabs Peter again, continuing to tickle him.

By now the rest of the Boys have noticed the airborne game, and watch longingly for the ground. They start looking around for Tinker Bell, hoping to use some pixie dust...

One of Eric's movements causes the back of his cloak to flare outwards a small ways. But it is enough to reveal part of a pair of large fairy-type wings.

Peter stopped dead in midair. All thoughts of the tickle fight dissapated and all attention focused on Eric. "YOU'RE A FAIRY????" Peter thought of Tink. But shes a girl and so small.... how can he be a fairy?

Eric immediately freezes, backing a little ways away from Peter, cloaked head down.

Peter's confusion was driving him insane... I know everything on this island! There's no way he's a fairy! He doesn't even look like a fairy!

Rod watched, dumbfounded, from the water.

Aleera too watches the proceedings in the air, stunned. A male fairy? And he was so big! Tinker Bell was small, but this fairy, if he even was truly a fairy, was as big as any of the Lost Boys, if not bigger.

Eric brings his head back up after a moment. "I...don't know what I am. Fairy, human, some unknown creature...I just don't know." His hands come up to his cloak and pull all but the hood away, revealing a full, large set of bluish-sheened fairy-type wings. They move slightly, and the light washing across them draws a rainbow of brilliant colors from them.

Peter slowly let himself drop to the ground. This new development wasn't good. What if the Boys found out that he didn't know everything? He decided it was time to employ a new rule. "Eric, meet me behind that tree..." He pointed at one of the swaying palm trees shading the lagoon and walked off.

Eric lets the now detached part of the cloak fall to the ground and follows Peter, looking rather strange with the hood still on.

A mermaid swims up, popping her head out of the water, black-blue hair glistening wet. She laughs at the over-sized faerie chasing Peter, and waves to Rod and the other lost boys. "Hey! Remember me, Caleni? I haven't seen you in so long!" She cries, smiling mischeviously. "Come swim with me!"

Peter smiled, glad to have an excuse to stop the tickle fight. "Caleni!!! Hello!" Although his lack of memory didn't allow for recognition of the beautiful mermaid before him, this girl looked fun. He soared upward and then dived into the water, spraying the onlookers in a wall of mist.

Eric follows, laughing as he dives in. He swims over to the mermaid, his wings working like fins to help him swim. "Hello!" he says, tickling her.

Caleni giggles and thrashes in the water, spinning away and wriggling downwards, back into the depths of the water.

Eric follows, laughing and tickling.

Cal wiggles, laughing hysterically, turning in the water so she's above him, starting to tickle back.

Eric convulses with laughter, tickling Cal mercilessly.

Caleni tickles even more, laughing as they both sink further into the deep of the lagoon, approaching the bottom slowly.

Eric tickles faster, laughing. He doesn't seem to care that they are sinking.

Aleera jumps in to defend Caleni, tickling Eric mericilessly.

Caleni presses Eric down, reaching the soft, sandy bottom. She continues tickling him, one hand in a grip on his arm.

Aleera switches sides of the tickle attack. She leaves Eric alone and began tickling Caleni. This tactic appears to get some kind of response. Although she is having fun she had a strange sense she was joining in a lovers' tickle battle but she continued tickling, hoping to be included.

Peter had the feeling that this was between Eric and Cal, but couldn't resist an underwater tickle fight. So, instead he swam after the group and began tickling Aleera.

Aleera gasped in surprise. Only for a second did she wonder if it would be wrong for her to tickle back. After that second though, she attacked Peter, tickling him with kindly ferocity.

Eric flaps his wings once, forcing himself off of the bottom. He flips over, pinning Caleni by the waist and tickling her rapidly, laughing.

Rod climbed out of the water, grinning and wathing the four of them play.

Caleni pushes Eric back to the bottom, using a little strength to keep him there, grinning, laughing.

Eric uses his wings again, flipping over and pinning Caleni. This time, his wings beat repeatedly, exerting more pressure to keep Caleni down. He laughs and begins tickling her again.

Peter, although loving the game, wanted to start something new. His hatred toward lethargy and laziness was getting the best of his, and even a tickle fight couldn't purge him of his need for adventure. He swam to the surface, enjoying the feeling of the cold air and beads of saltwater streaming from his abnormally bright red hair.

Eric flaps his wings, pulling both himself and Caleni up from the bottom of the lagoon.

Aleera calls a warning to Eric, "Take care with her! She's only a mermaid. We mermaids have a very delicate constitution (actually...) and are easily broken. ;) Anyways, didn't Peter say he wanted to talk to you alone? Behind the tree?" She grins mischievously, she knew something was up with Peter and Eric. Maybe a big squall was coming soon.

Tinker Bell was sad because she couldn't swim any more since her magic had worn off. She look at Peter and Eric. Perhaps she could spy on their little talk. She was certainly curious as to how Eric had wings.

"True..." Eric says. He releases his hold on Caleni, grabs Peter, then flies up out of the water and behind a tree, hauling Peter with him.

Peter stared at Eric in disbelief and anger. "You can't do that! I can fly on my own you know!... and I don't even need freaky fairy wings to do it!" He paused, realizing how mean this remark was.

Eric freezes, dropping Peter to the ground. A flash of red is momentarily visible where his eyes should be underneath the hood.

Kimmy had appeared there a while ago and now sat oblivious to all, sitting by the side of the water playing with the puddles she made.

Peter looked out over the lagoon, contrasting its peaceful lull to the fire in Eric's eyes. "Sorry for that, Eric. I wasn't thinking. I was mad at you and... well... that was too far. I'm sorry." Peter didn't apologize often; he must've felt really guilty.

"Why were you mad at me?" Eric says, his head raising a small ways. His eyes still glint red as he asks.

Caleni flips out of the water, onto a cold, slick rock. She curls up underneath an overcropping small cliff, staying in the shade. Her keen senses allow her to hear their conversation perfectly, and she tucks a dripping lock of blue-black hair behind her ear.

"You picked me up like you are in charge! I'm sorry for yelling at you, but you keep crossing your boundaries. You can't pick me up, and you can't be something I don't understand!" Oh no, Peter hadn't met to say that aloud. "I mean, I know everything, but you can't tease the Lost Boys like that. You're not allowed to be something we don't know. Why can't you just choose what you are? I mean, can't you just decide to be a Boy, or a fairy???"

Kimmy sees Caleni and waves.

Caleni waves back, then puts a finger to her lips, a signal to be quiet. She wanted to hear this, but she didn't want anyone else to know.

Kimmy nods her head in acknowledgement, grinning, before returning to her puddles.

Eric grows tense. "I didn't mean to act like I was in charge. And, unlike you and your Lost Boys, I can't imagine myself into being something I'm not. I can't make myself a normal boy, or a normal fairy. I'M STUCK IN BETWEEN!" Eric lets this last statement out as a roar, his voice surpassing his form and giving him the appearance of a giant, if only voice-wise.

Caleni's eyes widen, and for a moment, she looks on the verge of tears. Then, she closes her eyes and nods. "You are not alone." She whispers, only barely above silence.

Eric lets out another yell, slamming a fist into a nearby tree. The tree's bark cracks and falls away around his fist.

Caleni Flits off of the rock, wriggling back underneath the water to her home, a small cave at the bottom of the lagoon. A large air pocket allowed for visitors... if they could hold their breath long enough to get there in the first place.

Aleera saw Caleni's distress so she followed Calenni to her home. "It's alright," Aleera tried to comfort Caleni.

"You know I'm not used to yelling..." Cal replies, sitting in an underwater chair. "You've known me the longest, Aleera. You're my best friend." She blushes, unsure how put the next phrase. "Be honest. Do you think Eric would even consider..." She trails off, blushing furiously.

Aleera grinned, a little evilly almost. "Consider what?" she asked innocently.

"Well... y'know... with me?" Caleni says, embarassed.

"Cal, you're beautiful and everything! Of course I think he would. But there is the slight problem that you are a mermaid and he...well, he just isn't. He's a thing of the earth and air but you are a creature of the water," Aleera tells her best friend. "Just a friendly warning. I don't want your heart broken if you can't."

Caleni laughs. "I think it'll work..." She hugs her best friend. "Trust me. But then, there's still the problem of...well, of actually getting him to like me..."

"Are you kidding me?" Aleera asks incredulously. "How could he not like you?"

Back on shore, Kariana snuck up on Kimmy. "Hello!" she said jovially. "I've been looking all over for you." Then she saw Peter, the Lost Boys, and Eric. Oh, I think something happened. I hope the mermaids are alright, she thought.

"Yay! Kari!" exclaimed Kimmy in a happy tone, hugging her friend. Suddenly she stopped and put her fingers to her lips. "shhh! People are angry, is not good time for too much happy." She squinted her eyes shut and shuddered unhappily, her lips in a pout.

"Come on," Kari says quietly. "Let's go for a swim with the mermaids!" Kari wanted the younger girl to play with her, to get her happy again, but she also wanted to stay and keep an eye on Peter. Such hard choices!

Eric brings one of his hands up to his cloak hood. After a moment of hesitation, he pulls it away. Black, shoulder length hair falls down, revealed. Pointed ears quiver slightly. A finely formed nose sits above an expressive mouth. And the most startling feature of all is his eyes. They are a bluish-grayish-greenish, with gold flecks around the pupil and scattered around the iris. "Now you see the full me." he says. "I need to go calm down." He flits away and dives into the lagoon, searching for Caleni. He finds a hole, then sniffs. Caleni's scent... he says to himself. He swims in. A few moments later, he comes up to Caleni in the chair. "Hello." he says.

She jumps. "Who-" Then she sees him. "Oh! Eric! Hi there..." Cal says, blushing furiously. She sees his face, and her eyes widen slightly in surprise. "How did you find this?" She says.

"I think I'll be leaving now," Aleera said, winking secretively at Cal. "I'll be sunbathing if you need me."

Kimmy grins at Kari. "OK!" she exclaims, with a jump into the water. She swam like a fish, since her little legs did not have to do much work to keep her small body afloat. She turned to Kari. "Are you going to join me, or what?" she asked, tilting her head at Kari before making up her mind to splash the girl with as much water as she could muster.

Kari laughed and jumped into the water. "I'll get you for that one!" she calls, splashing her friend back.

"I followed your scent." Eric says. He quirks an eyebrow, noting her expression. "What?" he asks.

By now, Peter has recovered from his fury and confusion and walked back to the center of the lagoon. He searches for Eric, desparate to fix whatever was wrong. After all, he thought, this is my islad. I can find a way to make him happy...

Cal smiles. "You can breathe under here?"

Eric's eyes widen as the thought comes to him. "I don't know...I've never thought about it." he says. He takes a deep breath experimentally, and immediately coughs. After a moment, he regains control. "Yes, but not in big breaths." he says in conclusion.

From where Rod sat, he could see almost everything, besides Eric. He waved to Peter, and swam towards him. "Hey, Peter, what's up?" he asked, grinning.

Peter stared at Rod, deciding whether or not to ask for help. Such a feat was unfathomable from Peter, since he was always the one to ask for help since he never needed it. However, he couldn't think of a way to make Eric feel like he belonged. So, he opened his mouth, trying to find the right words.

Kimmy grinned and ducked underwater. Popping her head back out, she saw Peter and waved.

Kari looked where Kimmy was looking. She saw Peter as well and called out to him. "Peter! Come join us. Swim with us!"

Aleera popped out of the water near the girls. "Hi, girls. Want to play a game?"

"OK!" exclaimed Kimmy clapping her hands in delight.

"Okay..." Aleera stalled, trying to think. She really hadn't planned out a game.

While Aleera was thinking, Kari jumped in and started her own game. "Let's get something and scatter it on the bottom of the lagoon. Then we can dive for it! But, Aleera, you have to keep your eyes close."

Aleera smiled at the girl. "Okay," she said. "Go get the materials."

Kimmy clapped her hands again. "I'll get it!" she called out quickly, her hand held into the hair for a moment before she jumped out of the water and began to search for something for them to use. After a moment, she turned back towards the water. "What am I looking for?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Go get something that'll sink to the bottom of the lagoon and will be easy to spot," Kari instructs. "And not small. Something like a necklace or something..."

"Oh..." Kimmy looked at the ground around herself. "Do we have anything like that?" she asked Kari.

"Go look for something," Kari says, a little exasperated. She hadn't slept much and was very tired. "Sorry, Kimmy. I didn't mean to snap. I'm just very tired."

Eric taps Caleni on the head lightly. "Are you there?" he asks.

Cal Shakes her head. "Hey!"

Eric grins. "So, you are still there!"

"Yes..." Caleni says, smiling. She flicks her tail.

Rod tilted his head to the side, looking at Peter, who was standing almost motionless, gaping like a fish. "yo, Peter...? what's up?"

"By the way..." Eric says. "...I head you talking to Aleera..."

Cal's eyes open wide, and she blushes. "..what?"

"I heard you talking to Aleera...and the answer is yes." Eric says, turning a little red. "...I would like to go out with you."

Kimmy just smiled. "It's ok." She looked around again for a little while before returning with an Indian bracelet. "I found this, will it work?" She held it out to Kari.

"Sure," Kari responded.

"Um... Rod.... could you..." Peter finally gave in. "Could you help me? I insulted Eric and I want him to feel like he's one of us." There, I did it. Peter couldn't stand how weak he sounded. "I mean, not that I care..." he added, crossing his arms and glaring pointedly at Rod.

Caleni blushes furiously, then smiles. "Really?"

Kimmy claps her hands. "Yay!" with that she tossed the bracelet into the water and called out. "Race ya!" before diving in after it. The weighted bracelet sank immediate and efficiently fell to the bottom.

"Oh no you don't!" Kari called, diving in after Kimmy.

Aleera, being a mermaid, was already a good distance down but she slowed to let the younger girls catch her up. She could easily win but that would be no fun.

Kimmy saw Aleera before her and forgot about the braclet, bend on catching up with the girl and tickling her.

"Yes." Eric says, grinning happily.

Caleni Smiles. "Oh... Okay.." She says, then giggles, embarrassed.

Eric smiles gently, then slowly leans foward and kisses Caleni on the cheek. He immediately leans back after the kiss, blushing furiously.

Tinker Bell giggled when she saw Eric kiss Caleni from above the water. Tink wasn't sure but she didn't think anyone else saw. She danced on her tip-toes in delight at haveing learned a secret. Then she stopped as jealousy flowed through her. How come no one ever kissed her? True, almost everyone she knew was human and a little big for her, but that was no excuse. She did know a few fairies but none of them had ever tried. Tink flew away in a huff.

Rod saw Tink rush off, and decided to follow, feeling concerned for her.
He caught up with her, and asked, "Hey, Tink? you look down, is something wrong?"

Kari swam after her friends. She noticed Kimmy tickling Aleera and took her chance. As fast as she could go, she swam down to the bracelet and scooped it up. Gasping for breath, she kicked back to the surface as quickly as possible.

Aleera giggled as the child tickled her. Bubbles escaped from her smiling mouth. She began to tickle the child back. She almost forgot that Kimmy was not a mermaid, thus needing air especially if being tickled. In an unconciously condescending voice, Aleera said "Kimmy, come back up to the surface. Kari has already gotten the bracelet. Let's start the game again." Aleera's voice was as smooth as water and lovely as the beautiful things in the world.

Kimmy giggled, an especially ticklish child, bubbles swarming around her as she let out joyous laughter. A large grin on her face, she nodded without a thought in the world and headed up to the surface, upset for having forgotten the game and lost yet already excited for the next turn.

Tinker Bell sat down on a mushroom that was sprouting out of the bark of a near by tree and in her high pitch voiced explain her problem to Rod. "Fairy men don't like me and I'm surrounded by little boys. Peter doesn't even know what a kiss is." Tink sighed and layed her head in her hands.

Kari heard this last comment when she broke the surface of the water. Peter doesn't know what a kiss is? she thought to herself in horror.

Tinker Bell Looked over at Kari amazed that her tiny fairy voice could be heard through Kari's gasping for air and the tree Tinker Bell was behind. Kari must have very good hearing or ,perhaps, selective hearing. But Tinker Bell got over this quick and turned around the tree and nodded to Kari.

Caleni blushes uncontrollably, flicking her tail. "I..." She stops, and starts laughing.

"Umm...I hope I didn't make you mad..." Eric says, blushing and hanging his head slightly.

Caleni chuckles. "Of course not! It's just... that... was my first kiss." She says, blushing again.

"Oh..." Eric says. "Umm...was it nice?"

Cal nods. "Oh, wow... this is really awkward."

Kimmy climbed up to the highest rock and spread her arms wide and spinned around exclaiming happily. "I feel spinny!!" She giggled as she began to get dizzy.

" this awkward?" Eric asks.

Rod looked confused at Tinker Bell for a second, wondering why Peter no knowing how to kiss would make her sad. He thought it over for a second, and asked, "why don't fairy men like you?" He realised a split second after he asked this why tink was sad. Without thinking, he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the cheek, which unfortunately covered most of her face as well.

Cal giggles. "I don't know!" she replies, flicking herself off of the underwater chair, and wriggling out of the cave. "Come on, let's go see what the others are doing!" She calls back to Eric.

"Okay!" Eric calls, laughing. He follows, swimming beside Caleni, poking her playfully from time to time.

Tink stared at Rod and for the first time in her life did nothing for a whole minute. Then flicking a speck of spit from her cheek blushed and hid beneath the bottom of her mushroom, hiding a smile, and occationally peering over the side to see if Rod was still there. Her fairy dust turned pink with embarrasment.

"Kimmy! Come down from there!" Kari called. She blushed, half hoping and half fearing Peter would hear her. Her voice had squeaked as it did when she was anxious.

Caleni chuckles, and breaks the surface, sliding over the water to the shore.

Eric comes up a moment later, laughing as her tail tickles his side. "Hey, stop that!"

Cal Laughs again, hoisting herself up onto a warm section of beach. She yawns and lies down.

Eric climbs up after her, lying in a patch of sunlight shining through the tree cover. He looks over at her, smiling.

She blushes and smiles back. Cal flicks her tail.

Eric smiles a bit more. Suddenly, he reaches over and pokes her, laughing.

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-12 [elfboy]: ^__^ Ah, I see what you mean. Thank you.

2005-03-12 [The Slave Queen]: yay, i am understood!

2005-03-12 [elfboy]: ^__^ *tickles* Yes, you are!

2005-03-12 [The Slave Queen]: *gasps, laughing uncontrollably* that's not fair! i'm ticklish!!! *runs away and hides*

2005-03-12 [elfboy]: ^__^

2005-03-12 [Jewl]: what post was that?

2005-03-12 [elfboy]: I think it was the one in which I attempted to breath underwater...

2005-03-14 [The Slave Queen]: yup

2005-03-15 [The Slave Queen]: hehe, i was roleplaying w/ myself (i play both Kari and Aleera)

2005-03-16 [elfboy]: ^__^

2005-03-18 [Jewl]: WOOT! ^.^ *giggle*

2005-03-18 [elfboy]: What, my post? ^__^

2005-03-18 [Jewl]: yep

2005-03-19 [elfboy]: YAAAYYY! *tackles*

2005-03-21 [cheesecake]: my computer is broken. I won't be able to get here very oftem. *sad face*

2005-03-21 [Kyromanic]: aww... *hug* it's ok

2005-03-21 [~Valkyrja~]: oh well i guess this is goodbye tink... if you wont be on agian for a while, i probably wont be here...

2005-03-24 [Kyromanic]: awww.... that's so cute! he kissed her!

2005-03-24 [elfboy]: ^__^ Good thing she and I are gf-bf in real life! I can draw on experience!

2005-03-24 [Kyromanic]: lol!

2005-03-24 [elfboy]: ^__^ Hahaha!

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